10 Reason why Muhammad Ali is the Greatest of all time.

Muhammad Ali on a bridge overlooking the Chicago River and the city's skyline, 1966
Photo: Thomas Hoepker / Magnum Photos
He was known as one of the most controversial people of all time Muhammad Ali was a political, social, and religious activist, as divisive a figure as any celebrity during the turbulent 1960s. He was the godfather of trash talk. He was a master media manipulator. He was, simply, the most famous man on the planet. Late Friday night on june 3rd the world was shocked with the announcement that Muhammad Ali had passed away at age 74. So we took it upon ourselves and came 10 reasons to remind the world why Ali was the greatest ever.
1 . His Amazing Speed :
His jab, counter ,phantom punch along with his conditioning were the keys to his power.

2 . Created Flawless Boxing Style: Ali was a lot more fun to watch in part for that reason, of course, but also because his offense and defense both keyed off his jab later in his career,
Ali was a lot more fun to watch in part for that reason, of course, but also because his offense and defense both keyed off his jab later in his career,

3 . Dodged 21 punches in 10 seconds: Bruce lee was said to be his only rival in speed
4 . Muhammad Ali once Saved a man from co-minting suicide: Back in 1981, Muhammad Ali was hanging out in Los Angeles when he heard that nearby some guy was threatening to jump from the ninth floor of a building and end his life. Police negotiators, ministers and members of his family had all tried to reason with him but he still looked like he was going to jump, although crucially he hadn’t.This was when Muhammad Ali got involved. Even though he had no idea who this guy was or anything about him, he volunteered to go up onto the ledge and talk to him, eventually managing to get him to come down after about 20 minutes of talking. What a hero.

5 . Greatest trash talker and quotes: The champ once stated that he could beat every heavy weight that came before him
6 . He spoke against the war in Vietnam and gave African Americans a voice in media:
7 . He was The Most influential Black Heavy weight Champion: Few human beings have been so deified in their own time. Then again, few humans have spent so much of their own time deifying themselves. “I am the greatest!” Muhammad Ali often declared — and eventually, most people came around to share his view. -Time magazine-

8 . Invented the shadow punch: The legendary fight when Muhammad Ali floored Sonny Liston with a punch so amazingly quick that, years later, many who were there swear that they never saw it thrown at all.

9 . 3 Time Heavyweight champ : On this Day in History: Feb. 26,1964 after securing the world heavyweight championship the day before, Kentucky boxer Cassius Clay adopts a new name. He announced that he had converted from Christianity to Islam and had joined the controversial Muslim sect the Nation of Islam. “I shook up the world,”….“I must be the greatest!” –Muhammad Al

10 . Hold the genus record of shortest poem ever:A couplet delivered by boxing great Muhammad Ali when his audience requested a poem at a 1975 Harvard lecture. There’s been some debate as to the poem’s origin, the three predominant theories being (in order of likelihood):Ali improvised it on the spotAli wrote it in advanceIt was written by Gary Belkin, the man behind Ali’s spoken-word album I Am the Greatest(1963).Whatever the case, one thing’s for sure: only Ali could truly deliver it.P.S. The lyrics are correct as written. The second line is not “we.”