DIVULGE: First tell us a little bit about your past history and what you're currently doing now.JEAN DARA: I grew up a tomboy. Played with guns instead of dolls. After high school I went to college and after 2 years of collage my parents separated so I had to fend for myself. I worked for my aunt’s dental office briefly, worked for a call center, then decided to do modeling. I am doing more of fashion design and styling now than modeling.
DIVULGE What inspired you to pursue modeling and has it become a lucrative career for you.
JEAN DARA: I did not pursue modeling. I just stumbled into it. It’s not a lucrative career. Maybe for some but in general there is really too much competition for models and the career is short lived.
DIVULGE Has there ever been a time when you wanted to just give up modeling and quit what made you change your mind question for how important is skin care and maintaining a healthy diet.
Jean DARA: I always know that modeling is a short term career if you can even call it that. There are challenges both in the craft itself and the people you work with. Yes there are ups and downs and you just learn to go with it day by day.
JEAN DARA: Skin care and diet are important. I use my own makeup when working with a makeup artist for the first time.
DIVULGE you have been published in lots of different magazines lately your career is rising how does all of this success feel.
JEAN DARA I’d be lying if I tell you it doesn’t feel great. Of course it feels good to be noticed and get many compliments. Just the same I know it will be short lived so for now I will just enjoy the moments.
DIVULGE your work is very unique and different you tend to go in a lot of different places inside of your photography where does the inspiration come from.
JEAN DARA ;My inspiration come from a lot of the people I follow on Facebook and Instagram. Almost on a daily basis I will get high dose of inspiration just by scrolling on the photos posted by my peers and designers I admire. I’m talking of course about fashion design. As far as modeling, I study the concepts and just like acting, I focus and project.
DIVULGE What is it about you that lets you establish such a strong identity in your work.
JEAN DARA : I’m not the best looking model or the best there is. But I give it my best. When you see me pose for photos, you are not seeing someone just acting the part or trying to look like a model. What you see is who I truly am. I stay away from open shoots where there are a lot of photographers because I compromise the rapport and identity I can otherwise share on an intimate shoot.
DIVULGE how often do you shoot in a month .
JEAN DARA" About 2 or 3 shoots a month. I don’t do a lot of shoots. I focus more on quality than quantity.
DIVULGE If you can change one thing about the world what would it be ,
JEAN DARA There is nothing I will change about the world. The world is fine. If and when the world doesn’t become fine, I suppose we can only blame the people .