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UpNext Feature Artist : Isaiah Grass takes us into his ever changing world in "COLOR FAST"

EDITORIAL | Color Fast

Credits :Photographer: Erica SteinhouseWardrobe Stylist: Brandon FosterRetouching: LM EnterprisesFashion Designer: LlewellynSinger/Model: Isaiah Grass

If one was to describe me in one word it would be Colorfast.The definition of “Colorfast” can be described as…Dyed in colors that will not fade or be washed out, being able to keep the same color even if washed. It will retain its original hue without fading or running no matter if it’s placed in light or not.

I think this description fits me well. And this is why this editorial is called Colorfast.

With my busy life it feels like I’m always on the go. As illustrated in the photos my surroundings always seem to be changing whether I’m working on my music in the studio, doing a photo shoot for a client, or learning a script for an acting gig. The changing background represents the many roles that I live within this fast paced world. However, like the photos you notice I’m in the same clothes, which illustrates to how I try to keep myself grounded and not let my surroundings change me.

In a career that is based on your looks, your voice, and your social media, I strive to be colorfast so that no matter what life brings my way, I don't fade...instead I stay vibrant and driven to succeed in whatever I do.

Some colors just don't mix, while others are too similar where you can't tell them apart. I can easily relate to this metaphor, as I have realized that not everyone is going to like me, and that I was not meant to blend in, but born to stand out.

When you’re a kid, you don't really think about this stuff, until you're older reflecting back on your past. As a kid, I remember singing in the church choir and ever since I had the desire to be on stage.Many had stated, that I was born to sing, and that I was destined to do great things.

I had the privilege of being accepted into a performing arts academy, when I was in high school. By being involved, it helped me to expand my creative interests in music, and theatre. During one of my performances, a music professor from Julliard, was in the audience. He heard me sing, and contacted my school, to find out who I was and offered to be my voice teacher. Today, I not only consider him to be my mentor, but also the grandfather that I never had in my life. I will always be forever grateful that he saw potential in me.

During the midst of all of this, Isaiah was scouted by modeling agencies who encouraged him to pursue a career in the fashion industry. In 2010, Isaiah signed a contract with LEDOM Model Agency, who is based in Chicago. After realizing that not only was he photogenic, but he was able to sing, and write his own songs, the agency suggested that Isaiah's multi talents would be more beneficial for him to pursue a career in the music industry.

On 1 - 11 - 11, LEDOM, introduced Isaiah, to the public as a singer/songwriter, releasing his first CD single, he wrote titled: ‘I’m a Freak’. Ever since then, Isaiah's life, has never been the same. Due to the phenomenal acceptance, that Isaiah continued to receive, he released his debut album titled “Expect the Unexpected”, on 12 - 12 - 12. The album contains 13 songs written by Isaiah, full of pop, dance, and acoustic songs which helped him introduce his music to new listeners. His fan base continues to grow both locally, nationally, and overseas.

Throughout Isaiah’s development as a singer, he has had the opportunity to perform at venues such as:

House of Blues, Hard Rock Café, Six Flags not to mention festivals such as: Taste of Chicago, North Halsted Market Days, Omg Fest and more. He has also performed the National Anthem in a stadium of 20,000 people for the opening of the Chicago Fire Soccer game at Toyota Park.

Since the release of Isaiah's debut album, he recently was invited on January 13, 2016 to perform on Chicago's #1 Morning Talk Show, "Windy City Live" for his first TV debut as a singer, where he performed his new love song he wrote titled "Climb Over Mountains".

In mid-2016 Isaiah was offered a contract with a booking agency, and a record label who saw his potential, and wanted to partner with him to get his career to the next level.

With the momentum that Isaiah's career is receiving, he continues to be sought after by clients that want to showcase his unique looks and feature him in magazine publications, commercials, advertisements, and various social media campaigns.As illustrated in the photos, Isaiah's life has been very colorful, and regardless of the changes, he still remains the same with a pure heart.With this being said, he would like to thank everyone who has, and continues to contribute in his career.

"Thank you to my loving family, to my friends who've always been there for me, to all of my past, and current agents that have believed in me, and to all of the fans who continue to support and share my music with others".

If you'd like to learn more about Isaiah Grass, after reading this article please follow him on his social media.Twitter - @IsaiahGmusicInstagram - @IsaiahGmusicFacebook - @IsaiahGrassSnapchat - @IsaiahGrassYoutube - @Isaiah7863Use this tag: You can hear Isaiah's music on Pandora, Spotify, iTunes, iHeartRadio, Shazam, and more!

Behind The Scene's of Color Fast photoshoot


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