Heather white is our first deaf cover model and is here to explain the true power of silence.

Photographer : Danny Griffin
Model : Heather White
While most 32-year-old women are just about settling down into their lives getting married finishing school or simply just finding themselves the same can't be said about heather white who's life was not too far from the typical boring soccer mom life luckily for us she's a tad bit rebellious. Landing her first small role in the Tyler perry House of Payne in Atlanta Georgia heather got a small taste of the limelight and was bitten by the acting bug which also lead to a part in MTV's TEENWOLF series although she suffers from being hearing impaired since birth she has never let that stop her from going for what she wants out of life.
Being blessed with great genes which some of us can only wish for heather was always told she was very photogenic her peers would always suggest she try out for modeling but it wasn't until she met an agent by the name of paul fisher from California is where here print modeling career began. Heather began finding work for websites catalogs, fashion shows and was soon signed to Elements of Atlanta, the people store, and The DEAF Agency. Some of her features included AT Magazine, Hot body trim, an even promo for workout wrap for amazon.com.
With her defined jawline, high cheekbones, and deep sultry eyes standing at only 5'7 the mother of 3, (Yes we said mother of 3) has been a trailblazer and pioneer for the hearing impaired in the Lawrenceville community, When asked how does it feel to be a role model she answered: "I want young hearing-impaired artist to know anything they set their mind to they can do, don't make deafness a fear whether you're blind or can't speak find the inner strength to overcome it all.
Unlike many Aspiring artist Heather has found a way to balance work, family, her business and her dreams. Which is considered to some almost impossible but the gorgeous beauteous bewitching goddess has developed a secret formula we asked how ? and her reply was: "I only take gigs that allow me to bring my kids"Along with everything else Heather devotes time to launching her own independent active wear called "Never Enough Apparel" which was inspired by her admirable healthy lifestyle and rigor workout schedule, the clothes promote feeling good message for the hearing impaired community. Which will launch on her website this January.
The town she grew up in, Lawrenceville, Georgia GA a population of 29,868 pretty much your typical small southern town home of high school football team, a few shopping centers, larry flint was even shot there. Heather describes growing up deaf: "It felt normal only difference is not hearing what people hear. I got left out a lot during family gathering always asking my mom to tell me what everyone is saying, I would rather to hang with deaf kids when I was young as I got older I learn to read lip and break the communication barrier and start convos without relying on someone". Despite her having a disability Heather white is gain popularity in the the social media community her hometown and abroad and is quickly gaining national attention, Divulge Magazine will be her third time being published despite the fact she's not yet a household name yet with her tenacity and work ethic she's will on her way to making a major impact in a multitude of lives and that is far more valuable then fame.